We have a range of items that are due in by Friday afternoon. If you are a member and you'd like us to hold any of these items for you, please email us or give our store a call during business hours: (02) 9267 2096
Magic: the Gathering Core 2021
We had a delay but we will finally receive a quantity of Magic: the Gathering Core 2021 set. We will have the Core 2021 boosters, as well as a limited supply of the Core 2021 Collectors boosters and the 2020 Challenger Decks.
Military Simulations Restocks
There have been a large range of Military Sims that have been missing from our shelves of late. We have finally got these back into stock. We have arriving:
1914 - Serbian muss Sterbien
A Distant Plain
Colonial Twilight
Combat Commander Europe
Combat Commander Fall of the West
Commands & Colors Napoleonics
Conquest of Paradise Deluxe
Cuba Libre
Enemy Coast Ahead: The Doolittle Raid
Falling Sky
Fields of Fire
Fields of Fire 2 With the Old Breed
Fort Sumter
Panzer Expansion 4 The German Invasion of France 1940
Paths of Glory Deluxe Edition
Silver Bayonet
SPQR Deluxe
U-Boot The Board Game
Fighting Fantasy Game Line
We have gotten in a selection of the Steve Jackson fighting Fantasy books, being the close cousin of the Choose Your Own Adventure Games.
Other Games back in Stock
Battle Line
Brass Birmingham
Century: Spice Road
D&D Board Game - Castle Ravenloft
D&D Board Game - Wrath of Ashardalon
Stone Age: the Expansion
Talisman: the City
Talisman: the Dragon
Talisman: the Dungeon
Talisman: the Firelands
Talisman: the Frostmarch
Talisman: the Highland
Talisman: the Lost Realms
Talisman: the Reaper
Talisman: the Sacred Pool
Talisman: The Woodlands
The Mind Extreme